HIFU – the Human Dog Whistle that’s turning back time

Many people own and use simple ultrasound, the dog whistle that produces tones that dogs can hear but are too high to be heard by humans. Any sound whose frequency is higher than the normal range of human hearing is ultrasound. High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a relatively new cosmetic treatment for skin tightening, a non-invasive and relatively painless replacement for face lifts. By directing ultrasound energy waves into the body it encourages the production of collagen, resulting in facial rejuvenation, lifting, tightening, firmer skin and body contouring.


HIFU Face Lift

As we age collagen production slows down. Our face, neck and décolletage start to lose tone and elasticity and we often notice our skin becoming looser or start to sag. This can cause particular concern around the jawline, the neck and brow area; ageing us beyond our years.

The HIFU face lift is a treatment using focused ultrasound energy to target the structural layers of the skin including the SMAS (muscular system), deep dermis and epidermis, with no damage to the upper layers of the skin and adjacent issue. Ultrasound causes the tissue to heat up rapidly and once the cells reach a certain temperature (between 65 – 70c), they experience cellular damage. This low-level tissue damage kick starts the body’s healing response by naturally stimulating the production and organization of collagen in the tissues, a protein that provides structure to the skin, resulting in tighter, firmer skin in the treated area. As collagen increases it reduces the signs of aging, helping the skin to maintain its youthful appearance with fewer wrinkles. 

Benefits of HIFU

  • Wrinkle reduction

  • Lifting and tightening the neck and jawline

  • Mid-face contouring 

  • Nose to mouth line reduction

  • Lifting the cheeks, eyebrows, and eyelids

  • Smoothing and tightening of the décolletage

Why consider HIFU Face Lift?

  • Comfortable procedure with no recovery time

  • Quick treatment times between 30 – 90 minutes

  • No needles, no incisions

  • 3 treatments to achieve desired results

  • Results last approx 18 months

  • Can prolong the results of cosmetic surgery

  • Can be combined with other treatments

  • More affordable than surgery

HIFU: What happens during the treatment?

  • Our experienced therapist will clean the target area and draw white lines (wipeable) across your whole face, neck and décolletage dependent on the treatment 

  • Ultrasound gel with be applied (this will feel cool on your skin)

  • The HIFU device is placed against the skin along the key lines that have been drawn.

  • Ultrasound level will be selected – this will vary depending on whether you are having Treatment 1, 2 or 3

  • Ultrasound energy is then delivered to the target area in short pulses for roughly 10 seconds. While the ultrasound energy is being applied, you might feel heat and a tingling sensation. 

  • Our experienced therapist will talk you through each device placement on your skin to ensure that the ultrasound level is to the correct personal setting for you and make any device adjustments. 

  • The treatment will last from 30 – 90 minutes dependent on whether you are having Treatment 1, 2 or 3 and what areas are being treated

  • At the end of the treatment the device is removed, the skin cleansed and a boosting collagen moisturizer will be applied. 

  • With no downtime, you’re free to go home and resume your normal daily activities right away after the procedure, however for the next 24 hours stay away from hot showers, sunbathing, steam rooms and saunas. 

  • The next treatment will be booked for 3 months’ time.


Does it Hurt? How does it feel? 

When we embark on a set of treatments we are always apprehensive on how it will feel, does it hurt, will people notice? Here’s the lowdown...

You may experience some slight discomfort whilst having the HIFU treatment. Any discomfort will be felt at the moment the ultrasound is applied to the skin, lasting a couple of seconds, with the brow and the jawline being more sensitive. During the treatment we constantly communicate, assess and adapt the power output to suit each client’s comfort levels. 

For some the ultrasound pulses feel hot, others feel a light prickly sensation, some mild redness may occur (gradually recedes only the next hour or so) and certainly in the first treatment you may have the sensation of swelling and puffiness but in the mirror there is no change in appearance. With your skin being used to the treatment for Sessions 2 and 3, discomfort is minimal.

Will I experience any side effects?

Over the next couple of days your face will start to naturally heal and as a result you will feel a tightening in the skin and some clients experience a light tingling sensation. It’s like an exercise class for your face so you will experience a dull ache that usually goes away after a few days. Muscle memory means that with Treatment 2 and 3 the after effects are dramatically reduced.

When will I see results?

Some clients will see some initial tightening after their first treatment. The second treatment and third treatment will result in more immediate tightening, with the best results seen over the coming weeks and months as the face starts to produce collagen and elastin.

How many will I need?

For the best results, 3 HIFU treatments are recommended every 3 months with an 18 month break for the skin to produce the maximum amount of natural collagen.

Who is suitability for a HIFU face lift?

HIFU may not be appropriate for everyone. The procedure is best suited for clients between the ages of 30 – 75 years, who have mild to moderate skin laxity or looseness, and who are looking to delay the skin’s natural ageing process. 

HIFU is effective for slowing the ageing process so is effective in younger clients, aged 25yrs plus, who are looking for a highly effective and preventative, anti-ageing treatment. HIFU is also effective at prolonging the results following a surgical face lift.

HIFU Non-Surgical face Lift – Before and After


A picture speaks a thousand words. High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) uses ultrasound waves to stimulate collagen and elastin production in order to create a more youthful appearance

‘My HIFU treatment was a wonderful experience with amazing results . There was a gradual progress after 3 months, 6 months, 9 months…… as the skin got firmer, smoother and tighter each month. I would definitely recommend this treatment for anyone who wants the same results as surgery, without going under the knife’

The takeaway

HIFU is considered a safe, effective, and noninvasive procedure for tightening the facial skin. Its advantages over a surgical face lift are hard to deny. There are no incisions, no scarring, and no required rest or recovery time. If you’re looking for a treatment that is quick, relatively painless, and non-invasive, HIFU is an excellent and considerably cheaper option compared to a surgical face lift.

Interested? Book a consultation

During your consultation, we will listen to your concerns and guide you on which treatments are suitable. We’ll answer all your questions and provide honest advice about how we can help you reach your goals! The treatments will be explained in language you can understand and we will show you before and after results of clients, just like you, who we have treated. We appreciate that making the right decision may take some time, so we are always on hand if you have extra questions. 

Book your FREE consultation now.

Jodie Barras smith